I rededicate my life to You, my dear Lord
Kembali kuserahkan diriku ya Tuhan
Standing between heaven and earth
Tegak di antara langit dan bumi
in the midst of your creation
di tengah ciptaanMu abadi
submit my freedom before Your throne
tundukkan kebebasanku kebawah kakiMu
Looking upon Your vision from heaven
Memandang visi surgawi
Standing on the rock of ages
Berdiri atas batu karang abadi
surrounding by the dark blue ocean
Dikelilingi lautan biru dan dalam
to be recharged once again
Untuk kembali dikuatkan
by Your power and Spirit
dengan kuasa dan RohMu yang suci
Speak to me and send me
Bicaralah dan utuslah aku
Do again what You have done
Ulangi pekerjaanMu dahulu yang pernah kualami dalam hidupku
Through my life, my thought and my mind
Pakai kembali hidup dan pikiranku
use my mouth and my deeds
mulut dan kelakuanku
Because all these are Your grace
karena semua ini adalah anugerahMu
that encourages me to shout before the world
memberanikan aku berteriak kepada dunia
even to the rulers of my time
bahkan pada penguasa jamanku
that You are the only King
bahwa Engkaulah Raja Maha Esa
the Supreme Ruler of mankind
Penguasa Tertinggi umat manusia
Your Throne suffers no sunset
tahtamu tak pernah terbenam
beyond the limit of space and time
Jauh melampaui batas ruang dan waktu
Your elects will surely be shown
PilihanMu pasti akan muncul
When Your saving grace is proclaimed
saat InjilMu diberitakan
Happiness is to serve You
Bahagia adalah melayaniMu
in the journey of all my life
disepanjang jalan hidupku
I read this from a book called "Serving my times" Pictorial Story of DR. Stephen Tong and his ministries in my church library. I guess everytime he's feeling down and low during his hard times of more than 50 years of his ministries... he would read this poem and he's recharged all over again.
May God give him the strength to continue what God has asked him to do, something that he has done with faithfulness..... serving this times.

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