Nov 13, 2011
MaBok Air Day
My MacBook Air, I have tried everything to love it, but I just can't. I simply don't understand why many people worship Mac like their second religion. It is not user friendly. Only those techie people would love it, and thank god I am not... Coz, I imagine if I'm one of them... I would probably be happy to spend more hours to find out why everything is not working. And that is not fun.
Smart Modem didn't work. I spent 10minutes listening to a machine when trying to get a support from the SmartFren hotline numbers. And when finally I did, she can't help. She said, I have to go to the gallery to check if my modem support the latest OS X 10.7 (LION). I told her irritably, why should I go there if in the end it's not working. All I want to know is, whether it can work with the OS or not. If the modem does not support, why should I go, idiot... (that last word, of course she didn't really hear it). So then she said, apology.. the modem only support OS X 10.5. There!!!
Under curiosity, I browsed everywhere looking for an answer. Funny that I got it from an Indonesian guy who posted a comment at some far away site, saying that all you have to do to make ZTE modem works with Lion was.. change from bit-64 to bit-32. Don't ask me whether I understand what he means, coz I don't. But he gave simple instruction: press 3 and 2 all together until the login page appears. Tarrraaaa!!! I smiled.
Then I tried to set up office email. Surprisingly, this part was easy and I smiled again.
So I got the whole bunch of office for mac 2011 ready. Outlook checked. Power point checked, XL checked, Word checked. MSN checked. YM.. i have to download Mac version and that also worked just fine. So I smiled again.
Next is OC. Office Communicator. I communicate with my APJ work-counterparts with OC. So if I plan to continue using this MacAir, I have to get the OC ready too.
That's when the problem came. I browse everywhere.. download anything I was told but it's still not working. It got me frustrated because I almost like Mac... Almost.
After hours of hours of useless effort. I gave up. Maybe I should tried my luck on another day. I was about to shut down when an email came. Okay.. this one, I can reply quickly. So I opened my XL file, did some revision and saved it as.... what the h**k... I cannot access my own HDD!!
I tried to chill and searched for a help. None, well it's either I'm sick of browsing and reading technical instruction in English, or i really want to go shower.. or.. maybe I just had enough of Mac for today. I gave up. I can save it to my thumb drive, i told myself.
But ....this mac only has 2 USB ports. One is for my portable HDD, the one I cannot access to save file and the other is for my USB modem. arrrghhh.... enough! Maybe i just need to sell this beautiful thin machine and use HP laptop instead, I mean.. windows. Maybe Mac just fits for entertainment, design, and photos... but not office work. .. can't help but to say, i love HP laptop more that MacAir. hehe.
So I was thinking. Appearance really really doesn't matter. no matter how beautiful you are, how expensive, how exclusive, how prestigious... if you're suck, then nobody will love you. You have to be compatible and easy to love. And that, i don't find it in Mac.. yet.
I'm sorry.. Steve may be hero for some people. But I prefer the friendly one. And I got this feeling that actually MANY other people agree with me...
adding a few complaints in the morning.
I dont know how to find yesterday's email files. And it's a different format. i dont know how toexport it to office outlook. Does everything has to be this difficult????????
Oct 18, 2011
Working From Home
I know.. I know. Some may think I'm just lazy to go to office, other will think that I'm just taking an advantage of not having a boss around.. yeaa my boss is based in another country. Well, not 100% wrong, but definitely also not 100% true. Here are some more appropriate reasons. hehe..
So many things we can save by working from home. Do I need to list them down here? No, rite? It's pretty clear what it means without any further explanations, I think. Oh come on! Who wouldn't want to save time, energy, money and .. life in that insane traffic of Jakarta? Read back your own FB status or Twitter, I bet almost everybody has at least one complaint. If you don't have one, it's either you don't have FB/Twitter account, or you own a chopper or .... you are superman. And those who use ground transportation, the more complaints you have, the shorter life you get. Trust me. Ancient prescription, it's written in the Bible too, Proverbs 17: 22 A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones
That savings go for the employer as well. One of the most expensive costs of a company is office space, that's why many companies now have a "mobile area" for mobile employees. The company I'm working at right now, has a big mobile area in each of the 4 floors we have. The employee can just come, sit anywhere he/she likes, plug the laptop and dial a PIN to get his/her personal extension number at any phone near him/her.
I spent around 3-4 hours return trip from home-office-home, even more than 4 hours if traffic was so crazy, like Mondays or Fridays. While, actually it should be less than 35min for me to reach home... after midnite only. haha. So, when I work from home, I use that 3-4 hours efficiently, produce more emails, complete more assignments and finish more jobs. Not to mention that I can avoid all the unnecessary distraction like when I'm sitting at my open cubicle. You know, sometimes people just came for something not important at all... like "hey, that x has just changed her profile picture, see see.. I'll show you." while I'm in a middle of preparing a report or even doing a conference call. That is not cool, at all.
At home, I would have been sitting in front of my laptop, from 7AM to... any PM or even back to any AM I want. Nobody would dare to ask me anything, well because I have almost nobody around, just my dearest maid who, even without me asking, always prepared a plate of cut fruits and put it right in front of me. Cool, huh? My kids were back from school only around 3PM or so. They went deep to their own bedrooms afterwards, so yeaah... almost nobody around. I got up only when I wanted to go pipis. haha.
You may wrinkle your forehead thinking why can a "daster" be one of the reasons I love working from home. OH YEAAAA! Fancy Fashion is just not my FUN. It's totally a waste trying to make me follow a concession of how a carrier woman should dress. My office outfit was just a long trousers, a simple blouse and a flat shoes... And it already annoyed me?? U bet it did. LOL!
Of course. Where would I be, what should I do without internet? Thanks to a bunch of people who invented internet. I hope the guy who made internet run faster was in the list. If my modem was still like last year, there's no way I can have this pleasure of working from home as today. Live webinar, online training, virtual room sharing, weekly SEA concalls, APJ concalls... I did that from home. And thank you to whoever invented all the chatting tools too. Office Communicator, Yahoo Messager, MSN, Skype, WhatsApp and others. Audio/video chat was possible and FREE, even overseas interaction. Isn't that extremely cool?
Again, thanks to technology who has made the world shrunk to just one click away. I run my works, communicate everything thru emails. If my notebook was off for some reasons, my blackberry was on 24x7. For anything more urgent, I have OC, BBM, WhatsApp, even a traditional way like SMS that come to my immediate attention.
This one is important. Working from home gives me a real "Life-Work Balance". I can stop anytime for an hour to cycle in the afternoon. I can stop anytime to receive a nice massage from a therapist at home. I can stop anytime to peek on an infotainment at TV. I can be there earlier when my kids needs help during exam weeks. I can even stop anytime for a nap. haha. Well, you need that too sometimes, don't you? :p
Do I still go to office? Of course. I go to office for a face-to-face marathon meetings that I stacked for one day. But I have this feeling, that nobody likes me there. So, even when I'm at office, I was not really at my cubicle, I moved around to join the meetings at meeting rooms hehe.... My desk was not my desk anymore, few guys have invaded it. They even put my office laptop away so that they can have a wider space. They're using my phone, my stationary, my network cable and my laptop charger. And when they saw me coming to my desk, they were like.... "oh no.. can you just go back and work from home... " LOL!!!
Can you sing your lung out at office, while everybody's busy on whatever they busy at? Or, can you lower down your i-tune player volume and still can hear your fave songs, and even sing along with it? Even I seriously think that everybody will love Leehom songs (haha), but for the sake of Leehom safety (LOL), I put his songs in repeat just for myself. Yesterday was full Westlife, and today back to Leehom again. I just cant tell you how much I ADORE him... his songs. So let's sing ...
So, anyone wants to Work From Home like me?
Oct 11, 2011
Westlife - Gravity World Tour 2011
Some parts of my story are very similar to this post. Oh yeaa... we're twin, with so many different things, most basic one is .. different parents. LOL! And as this post has pretty much said it all, ... I'm just gonna write it short. So short that it goes like this: "Aku enggak kapok". Sorry, enggak tahu bahasa Inggris nya "kapok" ahahah..
Enggak Kapok Soal NGANTRI
Desek2 an, umpel2 an, kaki pegel, dan basah kuyup keringetan, sudah biasa and it was expected too actually. No surprise. So, I have equipped us with mineral water, hand fan, tissue, and flat shoes. My husband was a bit over-reacted. "Buy at least 3 bottles of mineral water" he said. I went "ya ya ya..." but no. Unless he's with me to help me carry my hand bag, I'd go with 1 bottle only. Berat bo. The hand fan was handy. We bought it at the outside of the gate, Rp 10.000 saja dengan gambar Pooh yang cute banget itu. I didnt go to office that day, so it's an "office-free" outfit for me. Yeahh!! Monita wore her converse snickers and I had my crocs. But ... Julia unfortunately, has problem with shoes. She's wearing 5cm heels, black covered shoes.
"Ntar di dalem gue buka, gue cemplungin aja ke tas gue" kata Julia. Oh.. okay. I nodded. No further comment. Agreed 100%. So di dalam, gue tagih. "Ayo copot aja" kataku. "ihh.. bisa keinjek kaki gue. enggak deh, thank you." jawab Julia.
I'm sure she was so happy when we're finally able to sit down. "Mendingan memang jangan lepas sepatu deh, lihat nih paku2nya" aku menunjuk lantai dan Julia nodded pasrah... Was she really "cemplungin" her shoes to her bag later on? I have no idea. The room was dark and packed. I can't even see my own shoes! But I dont think she's having cramp legs or something as she jumped all along with the rest of the fans, the whole time. Cool.
Enggak Kapok Soal TIKET
Beruntung. Beruntung banget aku punya channel gratisan. Tiket festival adalah kelas yang paling mahal. Di tiket tertera Rp 750.000. Entah kenapa (belum sempet tanya), Julia bilang dia pesen online harga Rp 825.000. Anyway... di dalam area aku ketemu temen SMP, Elly. She's there with her husband and son.. katanya mereka memang hobi banget nonton2 konser... Justin Beiber nonton... Dora atau Teletubies nonton juga enggak yaa.... haha! Dan yang mengagetkan.. dia membeli tiket festival seharga Rp 600.000. Kok bisa ya beda2? Mungkin karena dia beli di hari H, ke calo. Hmm.... maybe next time I should try that trick to get cheaper ticket too. Kalau beli sendiri, worth to try. Rite? Rite.
Enggak Kapok Soal KERICUHAN
Walaupun udah prediksi pasti bakalan heboh, enggak nyangka ternyata sangat heboh. Anehnya, aku enggak kesel, or marah beneran dengan kejadian itu. I was enjoying the whole things, really. Aku menikmati di suruh mepet kebelakang, walaupun mentok, selangkah lagi itu mas mas tv-one pasti sukses ke injek. Aku menikmati nonton panitia yang "desperado" meminta kita geser. Aku menikmati diomelin Westlife. Aku menikmati ikutan teriak bar-bar seperti "balikin! balikin!" or "ENGGAK BISA GESER LAGI BEGO!!! UDAH MENTOK!!!!!!" I was really having fun enjoying that 30min off.
Keselnya baru besok. Soalnya malah kita yang di festival yang dituduh biang kerok. Hmm... awalnya emosi, sampai ikutan "nyap-nyap" di sebuah site. Penulis berita itu hanya cari sensasi supaya tulisannya di baca. Ngatain Westlife mogok tampil karena penonton ricuh. What a cheap trick, enggak berkelas sama sekali, shallow and disgraceful.

Tapi later on, yang ribut dan heboh ngatain adalah mereka yang tidak nonton. So, let them be. Tidak perlu berdebat dengan orang seperti itu. Buang energi. Halah.....
Enggak Kapok Soal Lagu dan Lirik
I was a fan of Westlife long long time ago, and that night, the feeling was still there. Bukitnya gue teriak "NICKY............" sambil loncat-loncat kegirangan. haha. Tapi soal ngikutin mereka nyanyi malam itu, gue nyerah. Lagu Westlife yang gue hapal, terbatas banget. Jadi malu sama bapak yang berdandan aneh (Julia swore he was a pick-pocket), but this man sang along each and every song that night. It was hilarious to hear him pour his lung out "So i said a little prayer, hope my dream will take me there where the skies are blue to see you once again, my love.."
Enggak Kapok untuk NONTON WESTLIFE lagi
that sub HL said it all :)
If you want a more detail article, song list, packed situation, the crowd and even some of youtube videos, read this blog.
Some pictures :
Some parts of my story are very similar to this post. Oh yeaa... we're twin, with so many different things, most basic one is .. different parents. LOL! And as this post has pretty much said it all, ... I'm just gonna write it short. So short that it goes like this: "Aku enggak kapok". Sorry, enggak tahu bahasa Inggris nya "kapok" ahahah..
Enggak Kapok Soal NGANTRI
Desek2 an, umpel2 an, kaki pegel, dan basah kuyup keringetan, sudah biasa and it was expected too actually. No surprise. So, I have equipped us with mineral water, hand fan, tissue, and flat shoes. My husband was a bit over-reacted. "Buy at least 3 bottles of mineral water" he said. I went "ya ya ya..." but no. Unless he's with me to help me carry my hand bag, I'd go with 1 bottle only. Berat bo. The hand fan was handy. We bought it at the outside of the gate, Rp 10.000 saja dengan gambar Pooh yang cute banget itu. I didnt go to office that day, so it's an "office-free" outfit for me. Yeahh!! Monita wore her converse snickers and I had my crocs. But ... Julia unfortunately, has problem with shoes. She's wearing 5cm heels, black covered shoes.

Enggak Kapok Soal TIKET

Enggak Kapok Soal KERICUHAN
Walaupun udah prediksi pasti bakalan heboh, enggak nyangka ternyata sangat heboh. Anehnya, aku enggak kesel, or marah beneran dengan kejadian itu. I was enjoying the whole things, really. Aku menikmati di suruh mepet kebelakang, walaupun mentok, selangkah lagi itu mas mas tv-one pasti sukses ke injek. Aku menikmati nonton panitia yang "desperado" meminta kita geser. Aku menikmati diomelin Westlife. Aku menikmati ikutan teriak bar-bar seperti "balikin! balikin!" or "ENGGAK BISA GESER LAGI BEGO!!! UDAH MENTOK!!!!!!" I was really having fun enjoying that 30min off.
Keselnya baru besok. Soalnya malah kita yang di festival yang dituduh biang kerok. Hmm... awalnya emosi, sampai ikutan "nyap-nyap" di sebuah site. Penulis berita itu hanya cari sensasi supaya tulisannya di baca. Ngatain Westlife mogok tampil karena penonton ricuh. What a cheap trick, enggak berkelas sama sekali, shallow and disgraceful.

Tapi later on, yang ribut dan heboh ngatain adalah mereka yang tidak nonton. So, let them be. Tidak perlu berdebat dengan orang seperti itu. Buang energi. Halah.....
Enggak Kapok Soal Lagu dan Lirik
I was a fan of Westlife long long time ago, and that night, the feeling was still there. Bukitnya gue teriak "NICKY............" sambil loncat-loncat kegirangan. haha. Tapi soal ngikutin mereka nyanyi malam itu, gue nyerah. Lagu Westlife yang gue hapal, terbatas banget. Jadi malu sama bapak yang berdandan aneh (Julia swore he was a pick-pocket), but this man sang along each and every song that night. It was hilarious to hear him pour his lung out "So i said a little prayer, hope my dream will take me there where the skies are blue to see you once again, my love.."
Enggak Kapok untuk NONTON WESTLIFE lagi
that sub HL said it all :)
If you want a more detail article, song list, packed situation, the crowd and even some of youtube videos, read this blog.
Some pictures :
Sep 10, 2011
BKK Trip - Jatuh ke 5x adalah... JATUH Beneran, suer!
Walaupun sifat kami jauuuuuh berbeda .... Doria, Meilyn dan aku punya banyak hobi yang sama ... traveling, shopping, makan, ribut brisik ngomongin orang dan ... mijit. Favorit kita di Jakarta adalah Kenko. Nah, hobi mijit ini kita bawa sampai ke Bangkok.
Banyak tempat reflexy or spa di Siam Square, salah satunya yang kita coba adalah..

Dan, emang bener enak. Kayaknya aku sampai ketiduran deh. Pas bangun dia tanya aku mau mandi dulu atau tidak. aku pikir... hotel is just 10 min away, aku mandi di hotel aja deh. So, dia lap badan aku dengan handuk hangat dan treatment selesai. Aku keluar ruangan dan di ujung tangga bawah di lantai 2, aku lihat Doria sedang cuci tangan di wastafel.
"Hey Dor..... aaaa......... ough......."
Aku menghampiri Doria dengan cara....... meluncur dari lantai 3 ke lantai dua di atas pantat dan punggungku. Beneran. Jatuh dari lantai 3 ke lantai 2, duk duk duk.. di anak tangga yg terbuat dari semen keras.
Rupanya, sandalku kegedean dan kakiku masih licin karena oil massage itu. Waktu meluncur aku berusaha menggapai cari pegangan, tapi gak ada. So, aku pasrah dan berusaha supaya bukan kepala yang kejedug lantai or tembok.
Aku dengar Doria teriak.. eh! Eh! Ema.. Ema... tapi kayaknya dia juga hopeless, secara aku lebih berat dari dia.. ahhaha. Yang aku ingat, sebuah lengan kokoh (cieee...) dan licin berbulu (hiiiy...) mengangkat aku dari lantai dan membawa aku ke kasur... (duh, kok agak horror dan porno ya bhawaawhahahaaa!).
"can you feel anything? can you move?" katanya. Aku cuma bilang... "i'm ok. i'm ok" Aku gak even inget untuk lihat seperti apa tampangnya.. or even said thank you kayaknya... Setelah itu aku ditungguin Doria dan ibu2 yang jadi therapist aku. Dia sibuk menggosok2 balsem ke badanku. To be honest, aku belum berasa sakit waktu itu.... mungkin cuma shock dan.... malu. hihhihii....
Tapi besoknya.... pantat, punggung dan tangan sakit semua. Untung jagoan. Walau sakit tetep ikut ke Floating Market.
Sampai di Jakarta, lebam-ku di foto sama Erryck. Ini buktinya... silakan pikir sendiri, ini bagian tubuh yang mana... ahahahahaha...
BKK Trip - Jatuh ke 4x .. Jatuh Bangkrut
o-ooww... masih punya hutang JATUH 2x toh.. hhiihii..
Baiklah, mari kita lanjutkan petualangan JATUH ini :p
Jatuh Bangkrut
Terus terang, agak memalukan kalau aku "ngaku" bahwa soal hitung2an aku lemot. bhawahaha.... Tapi katanya kalau kita berani ngaku kelemahan kita, itu berarti kita sebenarnya kuat. Paradox. halaah...
Aku inget banget sampai di airport paling duluan dari semua anggota gank remponk. Dan berhubung enggak prepare Bath, aku mencari2 Money changer. Ternyata agak jauh eiy... Setelah ketemu, aku gak pake tanya.. baht berapa, langsung bilang: 500 ya. Si Mas-nya kayaknya sempet kaget .. Terus dia bilang.. cukup tuh Mbak? Aku bales tanya: emang Bath berapa? Dia bilang: 310. Terus aku "rolling eyes, [kayaknya sih] mikir... tapi hehhe... gak ketemu itungannya... ummm.. pinjam kalkulator nya, Mas, kataku: emang biasanya beli berapa ya kalau ke Bangkok... Mas-nya cengar-cengir dan bilang.. paling enggak 10.000 Mbak..
Hotel kita dikelilingi toko-toko baju dan tempat2 makanan enak. Jadi yg pertama kita lakukan adalah menjelajahi area dekat hotel dan.. belanja! Di area Novotel - Siam Square, tempat belanja nya cukup bervariasi. dari yang muraaah banget spt penjual kaki lima sampai toko yg lumayan mahal, ada. Tapi jangan cari barang branded, kayaknya di daerah itu gak ada deh... So.. sambil cari2 tempat makan, kita lihat2 baju ...
View Siam Square dari kamar hotel
Bergaya di depan toko, padahal ....
*ini bukan crop2an, bukan juga karena Bem dendam
sama Meilyn, yg difoto tangan doang*
Besoknya, belanja lagi ke Chatuchak, tapi...
beli Bath dulu... nambah... ahahaa!
Dasar cewek, kalap lihat pernak-pernik
Buat Niki.... kata Doria
Buat kita... ahahahaaaaa....
Kurang puas di Chatucak, kita ke Pratunam dan mal sebrangnya Platinum, hedeuh sengaja tuh ya? Pratunam itu mirip Mangga dua. Murah2 banget, dan barangnya juga bagus. Kita... of course kalap banget! Hayoo Doria, Meilyn, Bem.. ngaku!
So... berapakah aku beli Bath di Soeta hari itu? hehe.... yang pasti bukan Bath 500!
1x jatuh lagi... Jatuh beneran!
May 27, 2011
BKK Trip - JATUH ke 3X adalah.. Jatuh Iba
Berhubung Bem adalah satu-satunya anggota gank yang Moeslim.. kadang-kadang dia tidak bisa ikut menikmati makanan yang kita makan. Aku rasa 80% makanan di Bangkok mengandung label "tidak halal". Tapi berhubung kita berteman sangat dekat.. dia nggak pernah marah kita "godain". Bayangin aja... Doria n Meilyn malah menyantap krupuk kulit babi sebagai cemilan sepanjang perjalanan... wahahahaa .. maaf ya Bem..
Mie disana semua memakai daging babi. Jadi.. sekali waktu, mungkin karena nasi briyani dan ayam goreng kurang nendang, dia memesan mie tanpa daging....
Tampang Bem kalau lapar "bertanduk"
oh yeaa.. Bem adalah senjata pamungkas kita untuk memusnahkan makanan.. ahahaha... jatah makannya paling banyak dan kadang, porsi kita pun dihibahkan kepadanya. Tiap kali foto.. kita selalu ingetin "Perut Bem! kecilin" Dan begitu JEPRET!!, Bem langsung lari lihat hasilnya, mengguman kecewa dengan logat jawa medoknya: tuh kan.. perutnya kelihatan gendut. Trus kita jawab: bukan gendut Bem... buncit! ahahaha...
bahkan, saking frustasinya dia sengaja foto dengan bentangan peta Grand Palace supaya perutnya gak kelihatan. bwahahaa.....
Jatuh Iba pada "Thai Girl Show"
Tentu saja, tidak akan ada foto2 disini... :p
Tentu saja, tidak akan ada foto2 disini... :p
Semula sama sekali enggak rencana kalau kita "berhasil" nonton show itu. Kita pikir cuma mau nongkrong di PhatPong, tapi waktu tanya supir taxi, dia malah nawarin kita nonton "live show". Akhirnya kita berangkat dan dibawa oleh supir taxi ke satu tempat mirip ruko perkantoran Mangga Besar, tanpa lampu disko kelap-kelip sama sekali. Meilyn sampet teriak ngotot ke supir taxi... "this is not PhatPong. This is not PhatPong" dengan muka bingung dan sedikit pucat. Kita semua udah turun taxi pun dia masih keukeuh masuk taxi lagi... "this is not PhatPong" ahahahaa.... ya ho-oh Neng! Wong kita juga enggak minta di atar ke PhatPong. Dia liyeer atau tidak menyimak pembicaraan dengan supir taxi sebelumnya? Entahlah.. hanya dia yang tahu ahahhaa...
Untuk nonton, kita harus bayar Bath 1000/orang. Dan waktu masuk kedalam ruang remang2 itu.... ya amplop, kita semua tidak berani memandang ke arah 'stage'. Rupaya disana sedang terjadi adegan show yang paling akhir.. Itu adalah adegan penutup dari serangkaian adegan yang dramatically very jaw-dropping.. asli. sepanjang show, mulut aku nganga selebar-lebarnya....
Pulang dari situ, hati aku remuk redam. Walaupun kita ketawa ketiwi ledek2an, aku yakin banget Doria, Meilyn n Bem merasakan pilu yang sama. Kasihan sekali melihat wanita-wanita itu bekerja itu demi .. entah apapun itu, mungkin demi anak, orang tua.. menggunakan bagian tubuh mereka yang paling precious tapi digunakan bukan sesuai fungsi nya yang benar. Sama seperti a handycap person.. enggak bisa bicara misalnya, harus pakai tangan sebagai alatnya, atau mereka yang tidak punya tangan, harus pakai kaki untuk melakukan aktifitas mereka... well, they trained their *tiit* to be able to do some activities that were ... almost impossible to be done. And they just do it like they don't have a heart or feeling...
Jatuh berikutnya: Jatuh Bangkrut ..
May 24, 2011
BKK Trip - JATUH ke 2X adalah.. Jatuh Cinta
Jatuh Cinta Sama Transportasi-nya
Kenapa hayoo? Padahal sekalipun aku gak nemuin tukang taxi yang keren.. umm.. boro2 keren, tampang mendingan juga ga ada.. hehee.. Tapi, buat orang yang buta arah, tiap kali mau naik taxi, supirnya bilang Hundred Bath. So.. ya gue hepi jeli laah. Hundred Bath kan cuma Rp 30.000 di sini. Secara kita berempat kan? Jadi bisa gantian bayar taxi.
Di pagi pertama kita di Bangkok, kita sempet berkonsultasi dengan seorang teman, yang katanya penyiar ganteng n keren itu (ahem.. misi Mas Tommy). Berhubung dia ini sudah beberapa kali ke BKK, kita menjadikannya pusat informasi. Dasar penyiar.. bukannya ngetik balesin BBM kita.. eh, dia malah ngirimin voice recording yang panjaaaaaang bener, sampai kita celingukan dan pandang-pandangan... "ngerti gak lo?" "enggak" hihhihii....
Tommy keukeuh nyaranin kita naik train kemana2... katanya sih biar irit. Tapi... maap ya Tom.. kita kan banyak duit... hihihihiahahaaha... hundred bath maah.. kecil... *menjentikan jari* Bahkan... kita beberapa kali milih naik tuktuk, padahal tuktuk itu lebih mahal loh dari taxi. Dan... keselamatan kita.. menghawatirkan. Bayangin aja.. 4 orang gendut duduk di belakang, kalau tuk tuk nya jamping karena keberatan beban di belakang bagaimana? hihihii...
Begitu sampai di hotel.. tanpa membuang waktu, setelah simpen koper di kamar, kita langsung kabur keluar hotel, cari makan. Udah jauh dari Indo, kok suara musik di perut kita masih tetap keroncong ya? hahahaa... Maklum deh, udah jam 8an.
Bangkok adalah surga makanan bagi penggemar makanan spicy food... pedas dan asam. Makanan gue banget! Kalau soal makanan, rasanya kata-kata dan foto2 yang bagus pun tidak akan cukup mewakili betapa enaknya makanan itu.. so, aku cuma bisa bilang.. ueennaaaak tenaaaaan.... I LOVE THAI FOODS!!!
Jatuh berikutnya di Bangkok: Jatuh Iba...
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