Some parts of my story are very similar to this post. Oh yeaa... we're twin, with so many different things, most basic one is .. different parents. LOL! And as this post has pretty much said it all, ... I'm just gonna write it short. So short that it goes like this: "Aku enggak kapok". Sorry, enggak tahu bahasa Inggris nya "kapok" ahahah..
Enggak Kapok Soal NGANTRI
Desek2 an, umpel2 an, kaki pegel, dan basah kuyup keringetan, sudah biasa and it was expected too actually. No surprise. So, I have equipped us with mineral water, hand fan, tissue, and flat shoes. My husband was a bit over-reacted. "Buy at least 3 bottles of mineral water" he said. I went "ya ya ya..." but no. Unless he's with me to help me carry my hand bag, I'd go with 1 bottle only. Berat bo. The hand fan was handy. We bought it at the outside of the gate, Rp 10.000 saja dengan gambar Pooh yang cute banget itu. I didnt go to office that day, so it's an "office-free" outfit for me. Yeahh!! Monita wore her converse snickers and I had my crocs. But ... Julia unfortunately, has problem with shoes. She's wearing 5cm heels, black covered shoes.

Enggak Kapok Soal TIKET

Enggak Kapok Soal KERICUHAN
Walaupun udah prediksi pasti bakalan heboh, enggak nyangka ternyata sangat heboh. Anehnya, aku enggak kesel, or marah beneran dengan kejadian itu. I was enjoying the whole things, really. Aku menikmati di suruh mepet kebelakang, walaupun mentok, selangkah lagi itu mas mas tv-one pasti sukses ke injek. Aku menikmati nonton panitia yang "desperado" meminta kita geser. Aku menikmati diomelin Westlife. Aku menikmati ikutan teriak bar-bar seperti "balikin! balikin!" or "ENGGAK BISA GESER LAGI BEGO!!! UDAH MENTOK!!!!!!" I was really having fun enjoying that 30min off.
Keselnya baru besok. Soalnya malah kita yang di festival yang dituduh biang kerok. Hmm... awalnya emosi, sampai ikutan "nyap-nyap" di sebuah site. Penulis berita itu hanya cari sensasi supaya tulisannya di baca. Ngatain Westlife mogok tampil karena penonton ricuh. What a cheap trick, enggak berkelas sama sekali, shallow and disgraceful.

Tapi later on, yang ribut dan heboh ngatain adalah mereka yang tidak nonton. So, let them be. Tidak perlu berdebat dengan orang seperti itu. Buang energi. Halah.....
Enggak Kapok Soal Lagu dan Lirik
I was a fan of Westlife long long time ago, and that night, the feeling was still there. Bukitnya gue teriak "NICKY............" sambil loncat-loncat kegirangan. haha. Tapi soal ngikutin mereka nyanyi malam itu, gue nyerah. Lagu Westlife yang gue hapal, terbatas banget. Jadi malu sama bapak yang berdandan aneh (Julia swore he was a pick-pocket), but this man sang along each and every song that night. It was hilarious to hear him pour his lung out "So i said a little prayer, hope my dream will take me there where the skies are blue to see you once again, my love.."
Enggak Kapok untuk NONTON WESTLIFE lagi
that sub HL said it all :)
If you want a more detail article, song list, packed situation, the crowd and even some of youtube videos, read this blog.
Some pictures :
1. I didn't take my shoes off. And no, my legs weren't cramped. Viva Hush Puppies!
2. 750k plus 10% tax. One price all.
3. I was very offended, still am up to now. I don't know if you heard, some of the people from tribune class "boo"-ed us at one point during the chaos. Can you give me the news link where you commented?
4. I still believe he's a pickpocket hahaha. Please forgive me if I'm wrong, Sir.
5. What is "sub HL"? I'm craving for more Westlife concerts.
1. yeaaah! happy for yaa..
2. oh, got it
3. hmm... hehe, gak inget. later ya. maybe when you have cooled down and forget :p
4. he's not. he didnt care of anything else but starring at the stage singing his lung out.
5. SubHeadline. I wanna go to their concert again.
6. I'm addicted to their songs now.. ugh-oh.. u didnt ask? okay. it's an info. hehe.
3. Got the link. I googled your comment. Wahahaha. (Kalo kata Mat, "Wuih! JAGO!") . Gue ga post komentar lah, cuma bagiin thumbs down aja buat orang-orang bodoh. Terutama yg pede bgt bilang tiket festival paling murah. Hmm. Memang tergantung venuenya. Kebanyakan festival memang kelas yg termurah krn berdiri. Tapi yg konser ini mah salah kaprah panitianya. Kalo festival mau dijual yang termahal krn lokasinya dekat stage, mestinya dikasih seats. Kesannya yg kemarin itu kan kelas tribun itu jadi VIP. Si Mas TV One aja nyaris ga percaya pas gue bilang tribun itu tiketnya lebih murah.
Sebenernya artikelnya ga menjerumuskan, hanya menyesatkan .. capeeee.
6. Same here. Gue lebih ke videonya, secara jaman dulu gue blm kenal yg namanya YouTube, n ga kepikir buat browse their uploaded clips. Ternyata banyak buanget. Current situation: digging up buried treasures from the limitless depth of YouTube sea.
I think I just found my newest Facebook status.
first comment ... i love the shoes, jul, it is soooo me ... hehehe ...
concert utk rata2 kebanyakan orang ga pernah buat kapok, malah kata gw that's the fun of it,,, it's the thing that make the concert memorable, isn't it .. asal jangan yg terlalu kacau aja ...
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